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Anal Pain Treatment

Anal pain is a common health complaint and can arise from many different causes. It can be particularly uncomfortable due to the high number of nerve endings in this region of the body; however, in the majority of cases, it is benign. Thankfully there are many ways to treat anal pain and soothe your symptoms, whether you’re looking for a piles cure or anal tear treatment.

This page will give a brief overview of some of the main causes and accompanying symptoms of anal pain before discussing a selection of the available home remedies and medical treatments. Finally, there will be some advice on how to prevent anal pain from occurring.

Causes of anal pain

The first step in figuring out how to treat your anal pain is to understand what’s causing it. That way, you’ll know whether to focus on haemorrhoid relief, anal tear treatment, or something else entirely. 

There are many different reasons why you might be suffering from rectal soreness. These include:

  • Haemorrhoids (piles) – swollen or enlarged veins in and around the anus
  • Anal sores, lesions, tears, or fissures – cuts or breaks in the skin in and around the anus
  • Constipation – difficulty defecating
  • Trauma or injury
  • Faecal impaction – where a large, hard buildup of stool blocks your rectum
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn’s disease)
  • Diarrhoea – passing frequent watery or loose poo
  • An anal fistula or abscess – a small tunnel that forms between the end of the bowel and the skin around the anus
  • Infection
  • Some sexually transmitted diseases
  • Anal cancer (in rare cases)

Due to the fact that there are so many possible causes of anal pain, it’s advisable to book an appointment with your GP if yours doesn’t clear up in a couple of days. They can assess your symptoms, examine you, and make an accurate diagnosis.

This, in turn, will enable you to determine the best course of action, whether you need a haemorrhoid cure or a cut on anus treatment.

Other symptoms alongside anal pain

Some of the other symptoms you might experience alongside anal pain include bleeding from the rectum, an itchy anus, changes to your bowel movements or stools, and lumps in and/or around the anus.


The idea of going to the GP for anal pain fills many people with embarrassment. However, you shouldn’t let this prevent you from seeking piles relief or other medical treatment.

Anal pain is common, even if people don’t talk about it, and it doesn’t mean that you’re unhygienic. The doctor will have dealt with plenty of cases like yours before and handle things with respect and dignity.

The appointment will begin with some questions about your symptoms, toilet habits, and medical history. The doctor will then likely want to do an external visual examination of your anus. In some cases, this is sufficient to determine the cause of your anal pain.

If not, it may be necessary to conduct a physical examination. This could be a digital rectal examination, where the GP checks for abnormalities inside the anus with a lubricated gloved finger or using a light or camera to look inside the anal canal. 

Treatment of anal pain

The specific treatment your doctor recommends will depend on the exact cause of your anal pain. For example, they might be able to prescribe you some haemorrhoid relief ointment as a piles cure, painkillers, or laxatives to ease constipation.

Below are some of the most effective treatments and remedies for anal pain. 

Medication Treatment

In terms of medication, there are a few options open to you for constipation relief or a cure for piles without surgery. It’s best to speak to a pharmacist to find the most appropriate choice to suit your needs:

  • If you need a piles cure, you can get a piles relief cream to apply directly to the affected area, or suppositories that you insert inside the rectum.
  • Anal fissure cream is available for those who need anal tear treatment.
  • If your anal pain is severe, for example, due to a deep anal fissure, general painkillers can provide some relief 
  • Laxatives can help soften stools and make bowel movements easier. This not only relieves constipation but can also provide anal tear and haemorrhoid relief because defecating often aggravates these conditions.

Medical treatment for anal pain

Depending on the cause and severity of your anal pain, your doctor might recommend hospital treatment as a piles cure, anal tear treatment, or a way to get rid of constipation. The following are some of the most common procedures available.

Constipation treatment

If over-the-counter laxatives don’t have an impact in a couple of days, your doctor may be able to prescribe something stronger. These should only be taken in the short term, though. Other possibilities include suppositories (tablets that you insert inside the rectum) and a mini enema. 

The latter passes fluid through the anus and into the lower intestine to help soften stools and clear out minor blockages. You might find that clearing your constipation up acts as a piles cure or anal tear treatment, too, because these can both be aggravated by the condition.

One possible complication of constipation is faecal impaction. This is where a large, hard mass of waste gets stuck inside the colon or rectum. 

If you can’t pass it, it can result in a buildup of faecal matter and blockage of the lower intestine. This can be very serious but is treatable. In the most severe cases, a healthcare professional will remove some of the impacted faecal matter either surgically or manually.

Haemorrhoids (piles) treatment

For severe or chronic piles where haemorrhoid relief cream, suppositories and other remedies don’t work, you have both surgical and non-surgical options available for a piles cure. These include:

Rubber band ligation

This involves placing a rubber band around the base of the piles to cut the blood supply and cause them to fall off.

Infrared coagulation

Uses an infrared light on piles to cut the blood supply and shrink them.


Injects a chemical liquid into haemorrhoids that causes them to shrivel up.


A surgery in which the haemorrhoids are cut off.

Stapled haemorrhoidopexy

Involves stapling the piles back inside the anus so they can’t prolapse, and they eventually shrink.

Haemorrhoidal artery ligation

Uses stitches to cut off the blood supply to piles and shrink them.

The right piles cure for you will depend on factors such as the type, severity, and location of your haemorrhoids.

If you have a thrombosed haemorrhoid (one which has a blood clot inside), your GP may recommend a thrombectomy.

This involves making a small cut in the clot and draining it. Thrombosed haemorrhoid healing time can be a bit longer than that for regular piles, and it may take a couple of weeks for them to disappear completely.

Anal fissure treatment

For anal fissures that don’t heal by themselves or clear up with ointment in a couple of weeks, surgery or other hospital procedures may be required. The methods most commonly used include:

Lateral sphincterotomy

This involves making a small cut in the ring of muscle around your anus to reduce tension in the anal canal and allow tears to heal.

Advancement anal flaps

Uses healthy tissue from another part of your body to repair the tear and improve blood supply to the affected area.

Botulinum toxin injections

This uses Botox to paralyse the sphincter muscle and prevent it from spasming, providing pain relief and allowing the anal tear to heal.

Home remedies for anal pain

The idea of going to the GP for anal pain fills many people with embarrassment.

In many cases, it’s possible to treat anal pain at home. If your symptoms are mild, you might even be able to achieve a piles cure in 3 days. The following recommendations can help to ease pain and other symptoms of haemorrhoids, act as anal tear treatmentand also relieve constipation:

  • Keep your anal region clean and dry
  • Soak your anal region in a warm bath to provide relief from soreness and itchiness. When drying yourself, use a patting motion rather than rubbing the affected area
  • Wring out a clean cloth in ice water and hold it against your anal region (an ice pack wrapped in a clean cloth also works). This will help to reduce pain
  • If you have haemorrhoids and one prolapses (pops out of the anus), you can gently push it back inside. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before and after doing so
  • Add some exercise to your daily routine, such as a lunchtime walk, to keep your bowels moving and digestive system healthy
  • Increase the amount of fibre in your diet, drink an extra couple of glasses of water every day, and start your morning with a warm drink to improve digestion

It can also be beneficial to make some changes to your toilet habits when searching for a piles cure or a way to end constipation. For example:

  • After bowel movements, use a patting motion to wipe your bottom instead of rubbing it. This will cause less irritation to the sensitive skin of the anus
  • When wiping your bottom, use moist wipes rather than dry toilet paper (damp toilet paper is another suitable alternative). This causes less agitation to the affected area
  • Don’t delay defecating when you feel the urge to go – even if you’re worried it will aggravate your anal pain. If you wait, the stool may become more difficult and painful to pass
  • If possible, try to avoid stress or interruption when using the toilet
  • Don’t strain during bowel movements or spend too long on the toilet

Prevention of anal pain

Most people would rather avoid anal pain in the first place, and luckily there are several diet and lifestyle changes you can make to help prevent it. 

Here is a selection of the most effective:

Eat a healthy and balanced diet

This needs to be rich in high-fibre foods such as fruit and vegetables, wholewheat pasta, brown rice, nuts, and granary bread — this helps to keep your digestive system in good working order and avoid constipation.

Drink water

Drink six to eight glasses of water to stay hydrated and keep your bowels healthy. Avoid caffeinated beverages, as these can dehydrate you.


Lead an active lifestyle. Exercise helps to keep your digestive system moving and also enables you to maintain a healthy weight. This is important because being obese can put extra pressure on the anal canal and contribute to piles.

Toilet habits

Practice good toilet habits – don’t ignore the urge to defecate, don’t stay on the toilet too long, and don’t strain too hard during bowel movements.

Avoid pressure on anus

Avoid sitting down for prolonged periods of time, as this can put pressure on the veins in your anus. If you have a sedentary job, make an effort to get up and take a short walk for a few minutes every hour.

Heavy lifting technique

When lifting heavy objects, use good technique and breathe steadily throughout. This will help you to avoid developing haemorrhoids and having to search for a piles cure.


Practice good anal hygiene, and treat this region of your body gently.

Anal pain FAQs

What food to avoid when you have piles? 

You should avoid certain foods such as white bread, dairy products, meat, fast food, and processed foods.

What food causes piles?

Food that doesn’t contain enough fibre, such as processed food. This sort of food will not keep your digestive system working as it should and could result in constipation. Instead, you need to eat fruit and vegetables and wholewheat foods.  

How do piles go away?

In most cases, haemorrhoids will go away by themselves as your body heals naturally. However, you can speed things up by following the advice above to eat lots of fibre, stay hydrated and active, and practice good toilet habits.

If you’re hoping for a piles cure in 3 days, you can use haemorrhoid relief ointment in addition to cold compresses and warm baths, plus maintain good levels of hygiene to ease your symptoms.

Should I go to the doctor for anal pain?

Many people are reluctant to go to the doctor for anal pain. However, if your symptoms don’t improve in a couple of days, you should book an appointment. That way, you can get an accurate diagnosis of what’s causing your pain.

This is key because many conditions present with similar symptoms, and some are more serious than others. Having ruled those out, your GP can prescribe you a piles relief cream, ointment for anal tear treatment, laxatives, or whatever else you need. If left untreated, the condition may not fully heal.

Lastly, if you experience any of the following symptoms, call a doctor immediately:

  • Heavy bleeding from the anus
  • Non-stop anal bleeding
  • Severe pain
  • A high temperature and/or feeling hot and shivery alongside having anal pain
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