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Treatment Bleeding Piles

Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are enlarged veins in the anus and rectum. They are a common condition that lots of people experience, although the symptoms can range quite widely in terms of severity and type.

Bleeding is a normal symptom of piles – particularly during bowel movements – in most cases, this is nothing to worry about. However, if bleeding haemorrhoids are causing you pain or discomfort, there are several options open to you in terms of bleeding piles treatment.

This article covers remedies you can try at home to stop piles bleeding, as well as both surgical and non-surgical medical treatments for the condition.

Read on to discover:

  • Bleeding haemorrhoids: The basics 
  • Remedies for bleeding haemorrhoids
  • Bleeding piles treatment
  • Bleeding piles FAQs

Bleeding haemorrhoids: The basics


Piles are normally caused by excess pressure on the veins in and around the rectum and anus. This pressure can occur for a number of reasons, including:

  • Constipation
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Straining when defecating
  • Spending a lot of time on the toilet
  • Lifting heavy weights or similar items

Certain other factors such as obesity and old age can also increase the chances of developing bleeding haemorrhoids. 

The bleeding itself is usually a result of irritation or damage to the haemorrhoids. In addition to this, there are a number of other symptoms that you may experience when you have piles. For example:

  • Pain in the anal region
  • Itching in and around the anus
  • Lumps or bulges in and around the anus
  • Mucus in your underwear or on the toilet paper
  • Feeling like you still need to defecate after having a poo

In the majority of cases, you will be able to stop haemorrhoid bleeding naturally or with over-the-counter remedies within a few days.

However, they can last longer than this. If you experience bleeding piles for more than seven days, it’s a good idea to speak to your doctor. They will be able to examine and diagnose you, then prescribe the best bleeding piles treatment for your needs.

Remedies for bleeding haemorrhoids 

Most people are able to ease their symptoms with a simple bleeding piles remedy or two. There are a number of tips and techniques you can try that will provide direct relief from the symptoms you’re currently experiencing, as well as lifestyle changes that can reduce the chances of you developing haemorrhoids in the first place. 

A combination of the two is usually the most effective approach to finding a bleeding piles cure.

How do you treat bleeding piles naturally?

If you currently have haemorrhoids that are causing you pain, itching, or discomfort, the following bleeding piles remedies can be a big help:

  • Soak your anal region in a bath of warm water to soothe itching.
  • Keep the affected area clean and dry.
  • Use moist wipes or damp toilet paper instead of dry when wiping your bottom. This is particularly useful if you have external piles as a way to stop haemorrhoid bleeding. It’s also helpful to use a patting motion rather than rubbing the anal area to cause less friction and agitation to the piles.
  • Use a cold compress or clean cloth wrung out in ice water on the affected area to reduce pain and discomfort.
  • If you have internal piles that pop out, gently push them back inside the anus. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after doing so.

Toilet habits

If you’re suffering from constipation, changing your diet or taking laxatives can help.

Again, a pharmacist can advise you on the most appropriate tablet for piles bleeding. Try to avoid spending too long on the toilet or straining too hard during bowel movements. This should help to stop piles bleeding.

The fear of pain or desire to stop haemorrhoid bleeding can make some people delay going to the toilet when they feel the need to defecate. However, this is counterproductive. Waiting longer can make stools harder and more likely to cause piles to bleed


If these remedies don’t help, you could take painkillers if you need to, but avoid ibuprofen if your haemorrhoids are bleeding. You may even prefer to use a topical cream, suppositories, or ointment from the chemist.

The pharmacist can advise you on the best over-the-counter bleeding piles remedy for you (if you’re feeling embarrassed, there is usually an area where you can talk to the staff in privacy about your symptoms).

Ways to prevent bleeding haemorrhoids from occurring

In addition to the advice above, there are certain changes you can make to your daily life that will act as both a natural bleeding piles remedy and a form of piles prevention. For example:

  • Include more fibre in your diet as a way to prevent constipation. This means eating foods such as wholewheat pasta, fruits and vegetables, brown rice, wholegrain bread, oats, and pulses such as lentils and chickpeas.
  • Avoid low-fibre foods such as dairy products, meat, and white bread.
  • Maintain high levels of personal hygiene, especially in the rectal area.
  • Take regular exercise and stay active throughout the day. This helps to prevent both constipation and obesity, both of which can contribute to bleeding haemorrhoids.
  • Try not to sit down for prolonged periods of time, as this can put pressure on the veins in and around the anus.
  • Avoid lifting very heavy weights and objects. If you have to do so, ensure that you breathe steadily throughout and use good technique.
  • Resist the temptation to take your phone to the bathroom with you or anything else that will encourage you to spend a longer amount of time on the toilet.
  • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Aim for six to eight glasses of water daily, and avoid having too many caffeinated drinks like coffee and coke.
  • Go to the toilet when you feel the urge to defecate, and don’t strain too hard during bowel movements.

Treatment bleeding haemorrhoids 

In cases where at-home bleeding piles remedies are not enough, you should speak to your doctor about what types of medical bleeding hemorrhoids treatment they recommend.

The options can be broadly categorised into non-surgical methods and surgical procedures. The best bleeding piles treatment for you will depend on several factors, including the location, type, and severity of your haemorrhoids.

Bear in mind that these methods won’t necessarily stop bleeding haemorrhoids from returning later in life, so it’s important to follow the preventive measures discussed above too.

Non-surgical bleeding haemorrhoids treatment

Some of the most common non-surgical bleeding piles treatments include:


If you have a milder case of hemorrhoids, the treatment may initially consist of a diet change and other home remedies in combination with an over-the-counter medicine such as a cream.


While hemorrhoid creams treat external symptoms, suppositories go deeper. Apply suppositories internally and use the cream externally to treat hemorrhoids and superficial anal fissures.


This involves injecting a chemical solution into your haemorrhoids to make them shrink.


In this bleeding piles cure, a gentle electric current is applied to your piles, which makes them shrink.

Rubber band ligation

This treatment for internal bleeding haemorrhoids involves placing a tiny rubber band around your piles to stop the blood flow and cause them to drop off.

Infrared coagulation

This bleeding hemorrhoids treatment uses an infrared light to cut the blood supply to piles and make them shrink.

Cream and suppositories can be treated at home. The other types of bleeding piles treatments are generally carried out in the hospital, and you can usually go home on the same day. You will normally be awake during the procedure, but the affected area will be numbed.

Surgical bleeding haemorrhoids treatment

Surgical treatments tend to be used with more severe cases of bleeding piles or those that have prolapsed. In most instances, you will be asleep during the procedure and may have to stay in the hospital for longer than a day. Some of the most common surgical bleeding piles treatments include:

  • Haemorrhoidectomy – This method involves cutting out the haemorrhoids.
  • Stapled haemorrhoidopexy – This technique involves using surgical staples to attach a prolapsed haemorrhoid back inside the rectum.
  • Haemorrhoidal artery ligation – This procedure uses stitches to cut the blood supply to the haemorrhoid and make it shrink.

Bleeding piles FAQs

How long do piles bleed for?

In most cases, haemorrhoids bleed due to irritation or damage. This can be caused by everyday actions such as defecating and wiping your bottom after using the toilet. Usually, the resulting bleeding won’t last for long, and you may only notice small streaks of bright red blood on the toilet paper. 

Having said that, one possible complication with both internal and external haemorrhoids is that they may become thrombosed.

This means that a blood clot has formed inside the swollen vein. These types of piles may fill up with too much blood and burst, in which case the bleeding could last anywhere from just a few seconds to several minutes. The types of bleeding piles treatmentdiscussed above can still help ease your symptoms with a thrombosed haemorrhoid.

What tablet is best for piles bleeding? 

There is no tablet that “cures” piles bleeding, but tablets can help ease the symptoms. You can take pain killers, like paracetamol, but you should avoid ibuprofen if your haemorrhoids are bleeding, as this can make it worse. 

Is it normal for piles to bleed?

It can be a frightening experience to find blood when you use the toilet. However, rest assured that bleeding is a common symptom of piles. It’s normally just a sign that the haemorrhoids have been agitated or damaged, for example, during a bowel movement, and in most cases is nothing to worry about.

Your piles might not bleed every time you defecate, as there are lots of different factors that can impact your symptoms. This is normal too. Having said that, if you are experiencing heavy or non-stop blood loss, this could be a sign of something more serious – in which case you should see a doctor urgently.

When should you go to the doctor about bleeding piles treatment?

It can feel embarrassing to talk to a GP about bleeding piles treatment, but it’s important not to let this prevent you from seeking medical assistance when you need it. If you find that your symptoms don’t ease or go away in a few days when following the above advice about natural remedies for haemorrhoids, it’s a good idea to book an appointment.

This is because there are other conditions that can present with similar symptoms. The doctor will be able to give you an accurate diagnosis and advise you on the best bleeding haemorrhoids treatment for you.

If at any point you experience heavy or non-stop bleeding, severe pain, or pus leaking from your piles you should contact a doctor immediately. The same is true if you have unexplained weight loss, a fever, nausea or vomiting, changes in your stools, or abdominal pain.

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